Bug Bite Rollerblend with Essential Oils

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In the summertime, one of our most popular customer questions is “What do I do when I get bug bites?”

If you’re going on outdoor adventures (even in your very own backyard), you’ll want to have this DIY Bug Bite Roller ready for when bugs bite and you feel the itching coming on. These oils are soothing to inflamed skin and help you recover after you’ve been bitten!

What you’ll Need:

doTERRA Frankincense oil
doTERRA Lavender oil
doTERRA Tea Tre oil (Melaleuca)
Fractionated coconut oil
10ml roller

How to make:

Start with your supplies. You can get fractionated coconut oil from doTERRA or at any health food store and we recommend getting your oil rollers here at a great price from a reputable website.

In your rollerbottle, combine 3 drops of Frankincense, 7 drops of Lavender and 5 drops of Tea Trea oil (also known as Melaleuca). Fill the rest of the bottle with your fractionated coconut oil and put the roller top on and shake.

*We recommend bringing this when you’re camping, boating, fishing or hiking outdoors because it will help when you (or a friend) gets bitten by rogue insects.

Share your bug bite oil testimonials here in the comments or in our Essential Wellness customer Facebook group, which is a special perk for you!

Ellen Schweikert