"I Feel something Coming On" Oil Protocol for Immune Support

We have all been there. We’re not sick yet but something just isn’t right! It might be a tickle in the back of your throat, fatigue, or a sore throat. Whatever it is, reach for your essential oils as your tools to stay healthy and strong when threats are high!

As a community, we pulled together a list of our favorite oils to fight off those ill feelings. Scroll down for a protocol to use as soon as you feel it coming on!


Immune Support Oils:
Tea Tree
DDR Prime
Pink Pepper
Black Pepper

Okay, so that’s a long list! But even if you just have a few of these, immune support is super simple with oils. In fact, our top favorites are Lemon, Oregano and OnGuard blend so if you have those, grab them and start using them ASAP.

Thank you to Dr. Josie Schmidt for helping put together this protocol!

“I Feel Something Coming On” Protocol:

1) Take your LLV every day. If you’re skipping days, make sure to set an alarm so you don’t forget!

2) For 1-2 days, swipe 1/2 drop of Melissa oil OR 1 drop of Tea Tree on the roof of your mouth every 30 minutes.

3) Make yourself a “shot”. Put 1 drop of Oregano oil in a shotglass of water and swish in your mouth for 10 seconds. Swallow, and repeat this 3x for just 1 day.

4) If you don’t have Oregano, combine 1 drop of Tea Tree and 1 drop of Digestzen (for taste) in a shotglass of water and swish in mouth for 10 seconds. Swallow, and repeat every 30 minutes for 2 days.

*This protocol is intended for adults.

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Aisha Harley